Motivation is the key to success, because it’s the one thing that keeps us moving forward no matter the adversities we confront. Motivation it’s s the one thing that pushes us to accomplish more and doesn’t allows us to quit. Motivation helps us to become better at our craft and to reach our goals. It is also the reason one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
Let’s picture our life as the ocean and our motivation will be a sailing boat. We are going to be the captain of this boat. Our actions will be the win and the current that move the boat. Sometimes we are going to have good days and sometimes we are going to have bad days, but no matter what we are going to move. The only difference is going to be the way we drive our boat. If we don’t take action, we will just seat in the middle of the ocean. We need to learn to read the current of the ocean and the wind. Only then we will be able to take the correct path towards our goal. In our life we are going to have some great days and some not so great. We might even get caught in a bad storm, where the sky will turn black and the only light in the sky will be the thunders. Are we going to give up and let the boat sink? No, we will take the necessary actions to get out of the storm and find our way back to our destination.